Saturday, 16 May 2009

ABC of Fundraising Ideas for Treloar's

If you would like to support Treloar Trust by organising your own fundraising event but need some ideas, here's our ABC of fundraising ideas. If you need help or advice with organising your event, how to publicise it, what you can and can’t do etc. please contact our Community Development Team on 01420 526487.

Auction of Promises - Try to get people to donate a promise of their time, use of their belongings,
or to donate a gift. You can even ask people to donate themselves and auction them as 'slaves for the day'.
Bring a pound to work day - Simply ask all your colleagues to bring just a pound to work in aid of Treloar's, then collect together the money and send it to us.
Cricket Match - Have a knockout contest and charge people to join a team. Charge admission to all your spectators and sell refreshments.
Dinner dance - Have a good band and good food and charge a good price. Organise a raffle and/or an auction.
Expert Seminar - Use an expert or well known personality, who is prepared to donate their time to give a talk or performance. Charge admission, have a break to sell refreshments and an auction of a signed book or autograph.
Fashion Show - Ask a local store to put on a show in conjunction with your company.
Golf/Gardening - Organise a (small) charity golf tournament charging for entry. Offer to provide gardening services for friends or neighbours in return for sponsorship.
Halloween Ball - Sell tickets to a fancy dress Halloween Ball.
It's a Knockout - Challenge your clients and other companies to a friendly 'It's a Knockout' Competition.
Just a Minute - Have a sponsored game show with - no repeating, hesitating or deviating. This could double up as a presentation training exercise!
Karaoke Evening - Ask a local pub to host one for you and charge people to get in or take part.
Lunch Money - Ask all your colleagues to bring in sandwiches for their lunch and donate the money saved to the Treloar's.
Masked Ball - Everybody wears a mask of their choice. Have a competition to guess who's who.
Night in for the charity - Stay in for an evening and donate the money saved to the charity.
Oars for Treloar’s - This is the perfect way to promote team work within your company while raising money for Treloar's.
Publicity - Send a press release to all your local papers asking for sponsorship for your event from companies and individuals.
Quiz Night Challenge - different departments or branches to a friendly inter-company quiz, with prizes for the best team, most inventive answer, wooden spoon etc...
Race Night - Hold a race night in aid of Treloar's.
Sponsored Event - Swim, slim, headshave - ask your colleagues and friends to raise sponsorship money for you in a fun way.
Treasure Hunt - A challenging and fun way to raise big money.
University Challenge - Collect together teams who attended the same or nearby universities and hold a challenge to see which university comes top.
Variety Show - Round up your talented friends and tread the boards, charging for admission of course.
Wine Tasting - Invite an 'expert' or local wine dealer to bring along a few cases of wine and donate some of the proceeds of his sales to Treloar's.
X-files Party -...or any other themed evening with fundraising top of the menu of course.
Your own Work - Whether you are a creative wizard and can make cards, jewellery or pots, or if you cook or everyone admires your hanging baskets - you probably have a skill that you can turn into cash!
Z..-. Your own fundraising idea beginning with Z!!

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